Originally described in
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, Vol. 82:187.
Antennal scrobes join below frontal suture; mesoscutum with raised and weak reticulation, midlobe with posterior ½ with engraved and weak reticulation; scutellum with engraved and weak reticulation; mesoscutum and scutellum metallic bluish-green; propodeal callus with 2-3 setae; femora metallic bluish-green; fore tibia pale brown, mid and hind tibiae yellowish-white; female gaster short and with apex rounded, MM/LG = 1.1, and with a large first tergite, 0.6X as long as length of gaster.< /FONT >
Costa Rica.
Similar species in Lucid key
Depository of primary type
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), in Costa Rica.